Monday 27 April 2009

Knitwits Yarns

My parents have been down this weekend and it was my financial year end on Saturday so it's been pretty busy (year end involved a full stock-take, which means counting every ball of wool, pattern and set of needles in the shop!). This year, stock-take has been easier thanks to the web-site as a large proportion of our wool is now listed on the site so all we have to do is add them up. I say "all we have to do" but, you know, that's still quite a lot of wool!

The marvel that is Thomas, the web-site designer, has now returned from a few days away and all pictures should now be back on the site. If there are any missing, please email me and let me know and I'll pass your emails on to Thomas - he'll be delighted to receive them.

Tomorrow I plan to do a load more inputting of patterns so watch this space.

For today, I cannot end without briefly mentioning the tragedy which overtook our small community this weekend. By now, you've probably all seen the news of the torrential rain and floods which led to the death of 3 young people when their car was washed down a stream swollen into a torrent. The young man who miraculously survived is the son of friends of ours. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the young people who tragically lost their lives.

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